MRC Epidemiology Unit

Media items

This institution has media items.


Media items

GoActive Promotional Video


Collection: MRC Epidemiology Goactive

Institution: MRC Epidemiology Unit

Created: Mon 21 Mar 2016

Population Health Sciences Measurement Toolkit


A web-based toolkit is being developed to provide practical, online methodological guidance for population health researchers, enabling them to easily incorporate robust methods...

Collection: Population Health Sciences Measurement Toolkit

Institution: MRC Epidemiology Unit

Created: Mon 2 Mar 2015

SWiM Self-Acceptance Video


A video explaining how to practice self-acceptance.

Collection: SWIM-C

Institution: MRC Epidemiology Unit

Created: Tue 19 May 2020



Collection: MRC Epidemiology Goactive

Institution: MRC Epidemiology Unit

Created: Mon 21 Mar 2016