Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term's image
Created: 2012-04-24 17:18
Institution: Department of Architecture
Description: The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies is the research division of the University of Cambridge Department of Architecture, honoring in its title the late Sir Leslie Martin, Emeritus Professor of Architecture. Since 1970, the Centre has held open lectures once a week during full term. The talks are intended for non- specialist audiences, and all are welcome.

Media items

This collection contains 7 media items.


Media items

Emily So "Lessons from Earthquakes"


Abstract: Tremendous progress has been made in earthquake science and engineering in the past decades. However, fatalities and injuries due to earthquakes continue to dominate...

Collection: Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012

James Keirstead "Modelling Approaches to Urban Energy Systems: Optimization, Simulation, and More"


Abstract: Cities account for approximately two-thirds of global primary energy demand and accordingly, there has been an increased focus on modelling urban energy supply and...

Collection: Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012

Katie Jenkins "An Integrated Approach to Modelling the Direct and Indirect Impacts of Heatwaves in London"


Abstract: Heatwaves are associated with large impacts on human health and mortality, as well as having economic repercussions. The direct impacts of heatwaves can subsequently...

Collection: Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012

Kevin Fellingham "Forgetting Architecture"


Abstract: The Woodland Cemetery was designed and constructed over a period of 25 years, by Sigurd Lewerentz and Gunnar Asplund and in its completed form bears very little...

Collection: Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012

Prof. Christian Illies "Architectural Design between Ethics and Aesthetics "


Abstract: Technical artefacts are a topic for moral philosophy as much as crimes and other misdemeanors. After all, their design and structure matter a lot for human wellbeing and...

Collection: Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012

Prof. Lionel March "Palladioʼs Palazzo Della Torre"


Abstract: Rudolf Wittkowerʼs Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism (1949) became a landmark work in proportional practices in the 15-16th centuries, particularly the...

Collection: Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012

Ted Cullinan "Ends Middles Beginnings"


Abstract: RIBA Royal Gold Medallist and Cambridge architecture alumnus Ted Cullinan will give a talk discussing a range of projects, illustrated with drawings and images. The talk...

Collection: Martin Centre Research Seminar Series - 2012 Lent Term

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Tue 24 Apr 2012